Hey Now

Alright.  Here is an update for 4/19/2017.

I'm beginning to realize that I'm starting to internet like a middle aged father.  It's a work in progress though.  I don't think it's an age thing(I hope) It's an Eliott thing.  With every new concept (such as hosting a website and podcast) I have to look at it, shy away in fear, ignore it to avoid failure, then start working on it, then work on it poorly, finally I get the hang of it and it becomes another skill.  But it takes a while in Eliott's world.  

I went to Lincoln to do familiar duties.  My father bought a boat and he needed a buddy to go and torture worms and small fish with. Which really what it was.  I'm NOT a fisherman, I'm NOT a hunter.  But If you're still talking to your pa and if he makes an effort to keep you in his life no matter how inadequate you feel as a son, or even a person, you have to make an effort as well.  

I saw an old high school friend while I was in Lincoln.  We went to the monday open mic night at Duffy's I got on pretty late.  I had fun though.  I found a pocket and stayed there.  

My Buddy Kent Masloskie does have some shows coming up and I'm going to share them with you.

4/29-at Bailey's local in Eagle, Nebraska

5/23- The largest city in Nebraska-Omaha, Nebraska Uncle Jack's drinkery

Saw him working on some stuff at Duffy's and that man has been putting his time in.  Go see him, have a few laughs and fun n' stuff

Last week I got into a bit of a funk, Usually my funks happen on payday.  Anyway, It's this feeling after not drinking, after not indulging in pizza, after not ruining a friendship and that friends relationship with their S/O, you wake up and you are still at the bottom.  you are still at square one.  you are ten feet deep under water looking at the sky move above you.  It is a selfish feeling.  It is an immediate feeling with no account to how I will feel in the future.  But that's how I felt.  You can live your whole life on the straight and narrow and one day someone hits you with their car while looking for a snorlax on their phone.

I did not post a podcast last week and I've been beating myself up about it.  I will have one later this week.  I promise.  

Have a good'un


Eliott A.Comment