I'm Back Baby!

As the summer heats up. As politics heats up. As Scrump heats up. As Conditions continue to deteriorate. One Man in Americana has all the answers. A man, who has been trying to find wisdom in the bottom of every box of wine made in the last ten years. Staring at his reflection at the bottom of every bottle. He has been meditating on a bed of beer bottles, And has only one conclusion to make. Move forward.

I’ve known alcohol isn’t the answer since 2013 and now that i’ve waken up nearly ten years later. It is time to get back to the old Eliott. Bring him back. He’s Looking around, staring at his reflection. What has this man does to you? Fed you wine and pizza? Pushed away the most well meaning people you have ever met? A lot of work to do.

It sounds like I’m losing my mind. I’m not. I’m slowly getting it back. I’m rusty at writing, at podcasting, at daydreaming. I’ve been staring around me. Like a main character in a battle watching other people around him fall in slow motion. I’ve seen people’s chickens coming home to roost. I see people losing their minds and losing their health. I’m taking this as a personal warning for myself. My comeuppance is not far behind. I guess I’m not ready to die just yet. There is still a little world and freedom left. Let me work forward and utilize it.

Also, I can’t afford insulin, are you crazy?

More to come.

Eliott A.Comment